Get money from internet is a lovely thing that was dream by anybody who usually use internet. We can make money in internet with a lot of ways, like Google Adsense, Bidevertiser, Ziddu, Linkworth, ask2link, paypopup, or PTR program. PTR or Paid To Review is one way to get money in internet. What is PTR? PTR or Paid To Review is an online business program where blogger is paid to review product or site. Blogger only need to post a review about something on blog and get payment from it. It is relative more easily to make money in internet than paid to click program.
To join this program, we must submit our site to be approve. Our site must be meet a requirement before we submit it. There are a several requirement for our site to join PTR program.
- Blog must be have a great pagerank, at least PR3.
- Blog must be use a supported language, for example "english".
- Your blog must contain at least 10 non-paid posts with 200 words of unique content each.
- Your blog must be at least 3 months old and be cached/indexed in the major search engines, including Google.
- All Reviews must be written in English unless otherwise stated by advertiser.
Good luck.
Thanks for your sharing... :)
wah thanks ya bro
i wanna try it
thanks to article,I will try it :D
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