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Twitter Widget From

Tuesday, December 22, 2009 Posted by One-4-All

TwitterHave a twitter account? And want to put it in your blog? Now i have been installed my twitter widget in my blogger template blog. As you know, twitter is a micro-blogging that it can be use to promote our blog. Even i doesn't have a lot of follower, twitter give a traffic for my site. Want to know how look that tweet widget? Here is the widget.

There are a lot of sites that offer a widget for your tweets. But i think it is a simple ones. There are more nice widget that you can install that mine. But, maybe it will need more effort. You must to edit your blogger template code. If you choose a widget that i have been installed for my site, you just add this as a widget. It's so simple. Just go to twitterfeed homepage, make your account and create your twitter widget.
Twitter Widget For Your Blog


mercon on December 23, 2009 at 10:55 AM said... 1

cocok neeh... tar di coba...

boby on December 23, 2009 at 12:50 PM said... 2

nice kangg
coba ahh

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